And the formation mechanism and influencing factors of pitting corrosion were introduced, and the causes of pitting corrosion of304stainless steel pipeline were analysed. 在对点腐蚀形成的机理和影响因素的详细介绍和304不锈钢点腐蚀原因分析的基础上,提出了对不锈钢管道点腐蚀的预防措施。
It was shown that Na2CO3 inhibited the pitting corrosion of aluminum alloy to some extent. 实验结果表明,碳酸钠对铝合金具有较好的缓蚀作用,在一定程度上抑制了铝合金的点蚀。
The problem of pitting corrosion and crack of stainless steel used in the water tank were studied by simulating service condition. 对不锈钢水箱发生的点蚀与开裂问题进行了分析,并模拟生产工况进行了试验研究。
Influence of pitting corrosion on the structural integrity of lap joints in aging aircraft 孔蚀对老旧飞机搭接件结构完整性的影响
Analysis present that pitting corrosion and stress corrosion are the mainly reasons for the crack of stainless wire mesh. 在熔覆层中加入不锈钢网,降低了熔覆层中的应力值,控制了熔覆层中的裂纹。
Influence of pitting corrosion on the bending capacity of reinforced concrete beams 坑蚀对钢筋混凝土梁抗弯承载力的影响
Effect of pitting corrosion on surface stress concentration factor of aluminium alloy 铝合金点蚀对应力集中系数影响的分析
The Mechanism of Pitting Corrosion and Rare-Earth Surface Modification on Aluminum Alloy 铝合金点蚀过程与稀土沉积的机理研究
The mechanism of porous oxygen electrode to accelerate pitting corrosion of bronze ware has been put forwarded. 提出了加速青铜器小孔腐蚀的多孔氧电极机理。
The pitting corrosion of the fresh stainless steel surface have been studied. 研究了不锈钢去膜表面在氯化镁介质中的点腐蚀现象。
This paper describes the mechanisms and factors of pitting corrosion in automotive heat exchangers. 综述了铝质汽车热交换器的点蚀机理、影响因素以及铬酸盐缓蚀机制。
The pitting corrosion potential of 316 stainless steel increases along with the ammonia nitrogen density decrease. 在模拟中水中,随着氨氮浓度的增加,316不锈钢的孔蚀电位减小。
The pitting corrosion, salt spray, immersion, atmospheric corrosion and magnetic properties of the Fe-13% Cr and Fe-17% Cr alloys with different content of Mo element have been systematically and comprehensively investigated. 在Fe-13%Cr和Fe-17%Cr中添加不同含量的钼,对合金的抗点蚀、盐雾腐蚀、浸泡腐蚀以及大气腐蚀的能力和相应的磁性能进行了系统、全面的研究。
But the corrosive rate in HCl solution was high and the corrosive behavior was pitting corrosion. 而在HCl溶液中腐蚀严重,以点蚀为主。
The effect of radiation on pitting corrosion of aluminium in solutions with cupric and chloride ions are studied. 本文研究了辐照对铝在含铜、氯离子溶液中点腐蚀的影响。
Study on Pickling Process and Pitting Corrosion of 316L Stainless Steels 316L不锈钢酸洗工艺及耐点蚀性能研究
An investigation into the pitting corrosion resistance of butt resistance welds of stainless steels were carried out. 本文对瑞典产五种双相不锈钢和超级双相不锈钢钢筋电阻对焊接头的抗点蚀性能进行了研究。
Pitting corrosion of aluminum alloy 2024-T3 in NaCl solution was studied using electrochemical noise technique. 采用电化学噪声技术,研究了铝合金2024-T3在NaCl溶液中孔蚀过程的电化学噪声特征。
It can improve corrosion resistance and increase pitting corrosion potential. 这种钝化膜的存在可提高H13钢的耐腐蚀性和抗点蚀特性。
Pitting corrosion and crevice corrosion in catalyst deposit zone and corrosion deposit zone can also induce stress corrosion cracking. 催化剂沉积区和腐蚀产物沉积区产生的点蚀和缝隙腐蚀会诱发应力腐蚀开裂的产生。
The Effect of Alloy Elements on The Pitting Corrosion Resistance of Stainless Steels 合金元素对铸造奥氏体不锈钢抗点蚀性能影响的研究
This paper expounds the action mechanism of anion Cl-on pitting corrosion with adsorption theory and thermodynamics principle. 用吸附理论和热力学原理论述了Cl-离子对孔蚀的作用机理。
Under a range of temperature and Cl-concentration, ultra pure high chromium ferritic stainless steel may suffer pitting corrosion. 在一定的温度或氯离子浓度范围内,超纯高铬铁素体不锈钢将面临着点蚀的威胁。
However, for the pitting corrosion protection of stainless steel, PANi is better than PPy. 然而,与聚吡咯相比,聚苯胺更加适合应用于不锈钢点蚀的腐蚀防护。